Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences aims at combining medical expertise and technology to provide comprehensive treatment to the patients.
The Department is committed to provide the highest level of comprehensive care to all those who seek world-class treatment from minor stress and interpersonal problems to major neurobehavioral/neurocognitive and psychiatric problems. The department also lends its support to people who are essentially well adjusted and 'normal' but have problems in specific areas like work, social or home environment.
Sometimes our vulnerabilities interact with our circumstances and manifest itself in psychological disorders. With our fast paced life and increased stress levels the area of mental health has gained immense importance. However, it is unfortunate to see that the problems of mental health and emotional wellbeing often goes unreported. With the mission of spreading mental health awareness, we provide a variety of services ranging from awareness programmes to rehabilitations.
In Diagnosis and Management of conditions such as
(i) Major illness like schizophrenia, depression etc.
(ii) Minor illness like anxiety, phobia, panic and eating disorders etc.
(iii) Emotional disturbances
(iv) Psychosexual dysfunctionsPharmacotherapy
Detoxification and Rehabilitation Programmes
Deaddiction Counselling
Stress Management
Psychometric Assessments and Testings
Psychotherapy and Counselling
» Child & Adolescence
» Adults
» Geriatrics
Couples/ Marital Counselling
Family Therapy/ Counselling
Workshops and Seminars for Groups
Corporate Lectures
Awarness Camp
Neuropsychiatry service
Women’s mental health service
Psychometric evaluation and counseling.
Electro convulsive therapy
Advanced neuroimaging and neurophysiology techniques ( MRI, CT, EEG), Psychosomatic evaluation.