The Eye department in Lokpriya Hospital is comprehensive and well equipped with a blend of young, experienced and highly qualified OphthalmologistsLokpriya with the leading eye surgeons & highly sophisticated technology works towards providing patients with cost effective eye care.With the best eye surgeons, the latest and highly sophisticated medical equipment and facilities, Lokpriya definitely makes for the best choice when it comes to eye care.
The Department of Ophthalmology regularly carries out advanced surgical techniques in cataract surgery, oculoplastics, orbital and lacrimal surgery and retinal & vitreous surgery. The Department is fully equipped with the latest state of the art equipment and has an extremely eminent faculty.
The services include phacoemulsification, cataract surgery, advanced medical and surgical vitreoretinal diseases, Keratoplasty and other advanced corneal surgery, standard and complicated glaucoma surgery, strabismus (squint) work up and surgical Management, common oculoplastic procedures, complex orbital surgeries are done jointly with various in house teams as per the need of the hour.
Routine and emergency out-door and indoor services including:-
• Comprehensive Eye Care
• Eye Sight Testing & prescription of glasses with Auto Refractometer & Manuel
• Intraocular Pressure determination by Applanation/ non-contact air-puff tonometer for glaucoma.
• Indirect ophthalmoscopy and slit-lamp examination with 3 Mirror Lens and 90 D Lens.
• Gonioscopy with Hand Held 4 Mirror Lens.
Fundus Camera for evaluation for various retinal diseases and for evaluation of the optic disc and also for CD: ratio
Squint detection with the latest equipment and evaluation of Squint Cases and treatment.
A-Scan Biometry and IOL Master:- These are used to determine preoperatively the power of Lens Implant to be used during cataract surgery.
YAG laser:- Posterior Capsular Opacification ( after cataract) and Narrow Angle Glaucoma.
→ Cataract Surgery is performed with state- of –the- art “Legacy Phacoemulsification machine”
→ Glaucoma
→ Retinal Detachment
→ Vitrectomy
→ Sac Surgery
→ Squint
→ Oculoplasty
Deals with patients from other specialties e.g. Diabetes, Nephrology, Neurology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Paediatric, Gastroenterology, Chest Medicine, etc. Some Common Eye Diseases Are
Cataract: Cataract is clouding of normal human lens, in this condition the vision decreases gradually. Cataract is treated by Phacoemulsification -this surgery involves dissolving the cataract within the eye and implanting a foldable lens. Cataract is being treated with stitchless cataract surgery.
Glaucoma: A slow, painless disease which gradually destroys the optic nerve. Glaucoma can be easily prevented if timely detected by checking eye pressure and performing visual field analysis. Glaucoma is treated with eye drops, laser and surgery as required.
Diabetic Eye Disease: Diabetes affects the eye in many cases. The retina is often affected in uncontrolled, long standing diabetes. The treatment of diabetic eye disease is being done with green laser.