Lokpriya hospital is a multispecialty hospital with a pediatric department dedicated to providing world class pediatric care. Care of newborn babies has vastly improved in India over the last two decades. The department of Neonatology takes pride in undergoing this transformation, since it came into existence and has achieved success since then.
Staffed with consultants with excellent medical acumen and experience and state of the art equipment and laboratories, we promote child’s healing with every ounce of energy and medical expertise we can bring. We offer hope during medically trying times and parents find an extraordinary amount of support, education and counselling.
Our team of doctors of various pediatric specialists offers complete care for your child under one roof. Our intensive care unit is well equipped with state of art ventilators and multipara monitors to deal with the critically ill child. Our staff in PICU are skilled in managing critical events and performing various procedures required for treating critical cases. They are dedicated to round the clock monitoring of patients. They have the insight of the stress suffered by parents and relatives of admitted children and offer extensive support and help them cope up with difficult situations.
Strength of the unit comes from the Obstetrical and perinatal services rendered in the hospital, which attracts large number of high-risk deliveries. NICU services are covered by consultant neonatologists, along with resident doctors including. We have an adequate nurse: baby ratio. Apart from newborn care area, unit also offers a special lactation room where mothers are provided lactation counseling and can also express their milk with help of breast pumps.
The mothers are encouraged for breast feed by making them aware of the below mentioned advantages of breast feeding:
→ Breast milk “comes in" sooner
→ Baby gains weight faster
→ Fewer breast problems such as engorgement
→ Breast feeding more easily established
→ Feed at least 10 times in 24 Hours more if he/she is willing. You should let him suckle whenever he seems interested. The baby should also be breastfed during the night.
→ The department caters to children with various disorders from premature neonates up to 18 years of age.
→ outpatient general pediatric consultations
→ subspecialty OPD consultations
→ vaccination
→ Inpatient admissions for children in need of supervised care and monitoring.
→ We also have emergency services round the clock equipped to deal with an acutely ill child or a child with trauma.
→ Our excellent pediatric and neonatal intensive care services are equipped to deal with critically ill children, high risk neonates, post operative children and extremely premature newborns with a variety of medical and surgical conditions.
→ Neonatal ICU
→ Very low birth-weight babies management
→ Premature babies
→ Critical care for newborns
→ Complete Paediatric management
→ Vaccinations
→ Asthma management
→ Separate Feeding Rooms
→ Round the clock care by Dedicated Gynaecologists & Neonatology Team
→ Fully equipped to handle any neonatal emergency.
→ Equipped with Mechanical ventilators
→ High-end multifunctional monitors
→ Double surface phototherapy
→ Emergency, ICU and Highly Safe Blood Bank backup for high risk pregnancies.
Infection control measures to ensure infection free zone: It is very important to have inbuilt quality care initiatives in the management of patients and we are doing number of initiatives like Hospital care associated infections audit, hand washing procedure audit, Insertion and maintenance bundles for the central lines, Surveillance information sheet, ventilator associated infection audit for preterm babies. Providing PPE’s to nursing staff and as well as to visitors.
At Lokpriya hospital, the pediatric department works round the clock to monitor patients admitted on the pediatric floor, pediatric ICU. Casualty services and indoor admission facilities can be availed all days and hours of the week.
→ Baby should be given only breast milk for the first six months of life.
→ Exclusive breast feeding means nothing except breast-feeds, not even water, ghuttis, gripe water, tonics or any form of milk.
→ Babies need proper clothes, which covers them properly especially head, hands and feet. They should not be over clothed as well.
→ Babies pass watery stools after the first 3-4 days of life especially after feeding which is normal for them.
→ A baby, who is feeding well, will be passing urine at least 8-10 times a day.
→ Babies don't need any Kajal, Surma, Talcum powder or daily bath. Bathing should be postponed for first few days after birth. A good rule to follow is delay bath till umbilical cord falls.
→ Vaccination is the most cost-effective way of health for children
NICU set up is highly sophisticated set up with all the technology required for monitoring and management of sick newborns. Our Neonatologists focus on the care of newborns requiring hospitalization. The focus of our neonatology department is on newborn infants who are ill or require special medical care due to:-
Low birth weight
Intrauterine growth retardation
Congenital malformations (birth defects)
Sepsis or infections
Birth asphyxias
Specialized service of Neonatology Department Include:
Management of babies with respiratory distress with Nasal CPAP in early stages Positive pressure ventilation in advanced stages
Management of patients with Hyaline Membrane Disease
Facilities for exchange blood transfusion
Total parenteral nutrition
Paediatric Surgery
The Pediatric Surgery setup is equipped with all the ultra modern facilities including life support systems for correction of major congenital malformations in neonates like tracheo-oesophageal fistula, anorectal malformations and congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
The department also provides highly specialized services in the management of pediatric trauma, Gastro-intestinal lesions, Tumors in children and genito-urinary problems in age group 0-14years, with high success rates.