Trauma / Emergency Care at Lokpriya Hospital is an exclusive center committed to provide immediate treatment in any emergency. All the Emergency Medicine doctors, trauma surgeons and support staff are trained to deal with cases from minor injuries to patients requiring advanced trauma care.
The primary objective of the centre is to provide acute care to injured patients. This centre provides round-the-clock service with 24 x 7 accesses to modern operation theatres, a fully stocked 24-hour pharmacy & imaging and diagnostic tools for immediate and accurate diagnosis of the patient's condition. The emergency care staff are specially trained and equipped to respond to patients who need immediate and prompt medical care.
→ Tertiary trauma centre with a trauma team, including neurosurgery, orthopedics, general surgery and anesthesiology
→ Emergency operation theatre, triage room, trauma bay, transit ward, a pneumatic system for blood investigation, and shock room that is exclusively meant for cardiac arrest patients for CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
→ Ventilators, cardiac monitors, biphasic defibrillator and all the emergency equipment and drugs required to handle every emergency.
→ Mobile X-Ray unit, an ultra sonogram and CT & MRI facility.
→ The hospital offers 24/7 ambulance services and has an ambulance control room.
→ Zero-infection environment, Zero-infection certified blood and blood components and many other critical factors, imperative in critical care treatment
→ 24-hour pharmacy
The Center is equipped to handle all emergencies ranging from minor to major medical and accident emergencies, including:
→ Surgical
→ Medical
→ Environmental emergencies like drug abuse/ poisoning
→ Emergency care for elderly / handicapped, terminally ill or patients with multi-system failures
→ Treatment of mass casualties and disaster victims
→ Simple procedures like wound suturing, incision and drainage, dressing, application of plaster of Paris casts
→ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, endotracheal intubation, securing central venous access, facility for treating poly -trauma and severe head injuries
It is accessible for the patients from two sides from the front as well as from inside through the main entrance of the hospital. The department has beds with monitors , trained and qualified staff, high tech equipment along with minor O.T.Minor O.T. to carry out all minor emergency surgeries. Most of the diagnostic services required for emergency services are available 24 hours.
A dedicated and easy to remember emergency access number – 0124 – 6767000
Round the Clock Ambulance Service provides state of the art ambulances equipped with advanced life support equipment and manned by trained personnel .They provide timely and quality pre-hospital emergency care for the critically ill and injured patients
Established clinical protocols for patients presenting with chest pain, stroke, trauma and others
Charting and triage system that helps to decrease wait time
Dedicated CT, MRI, CR and ULTRASOUND
24/7 clinical laboratory
Dedicated resuscitation beds, crash cart, multi channel monitors, mechanical ventilators
Dedicated minor procedure room for emergency procedures, trauma and surgical emergencies
Cardiac ambulance, emergency physician and emergency technicians to provide Emergency Medical Services to patients’ door steps; cardiologists with cath team for cardiac emergencies
Stroke treatment team with neurologist, radiologist and neurosurgeons
Trauma team with orthopaedic surgeon, general surgeon, plastic surgeon, to take care of polytrauma patients
Paediatric team for emergencies related to children; paediatric care beds for paediatric emergencies
Effective communication system between the central control room, ambulances and the emergency facilities in the hospital.
Highly trained and experienced emergency physicians available 24-hours a day.
Latest monitoring and imaging equipment.
State of the art Blood Bank operational 24x7.
Medical help that can be given to the patients through emergency department falls into three categories:
A. Basic life support services involve transportation of stable patients who have no serious emergency conditions and are not critically ill, and for whom no major stabilization is needed and anticipated.
B. Advanced life support includes basic life support services, cardiopulmonary resuscitation including cardiac monitoring, defibrillation, trauma care and other life support measures like provision of continuous oxygen supply, monitoring of blood pressure & temperature, IV and central lines etc.
C. Specialized life support requires specialist doctors, highly sophisticated medical equipment.
Critical Care Medicine (CCM) is a specialty that involves the management of patients with life threatening, frequently complex medical and surgical illnesses. The Department of Critical Care Medicine provides sophisticated, compassionate, and expert care to critically ill patients in our medical center. Our approach to care emphasizes ethical principles and cost-effectiveness. We have in-house consultant coverage round the clock 24 X 7. Quality patient care is optimized through a multidisciplinary team approach which includes intensivists, critical care fellows, nurses, respiratory and physical therapists, pharmacists, nutrition specialists, and social workers. We believe this valuable resource improves the likelihood of survival for critically ill patients, provides appropriate supervision, and reduces complications due to medical errors or poorly performed procedures. We also have facilities for organ support like bedside hemodialysis for patients with renal failure, ECMO for ARDS patients, latest generation ventilators with newer modes and other organ support system
The Intensive Care Unit has the latest state-of-the-art equipment and has well known highly qualified and experienced specialists.
→ Medical ICU for pulmonary and other medical problems.
→ Surgical ICU for general, thoracic and other-surgery patients.
→ Neurology and Neuro-surgery ICU
→ Burn ICU for burn patients
→ Neonatal ICU for infants
→ Equipment
→ All ICUs are equipped with state-of-the-art ventilators and monitors with modular pressure transducer system
→ Portable x-ray facilities/emergency lab investigations
→ Equipped to measure all haemodynamic and ventilatory parameters
→ Arterial blood gas measurement by modular system
→ CT scan & MRI facilities available round the clock
→ Expert senior intensivists are available round the clock in all ICUs.
→ The Department of Internal Medicine comprises sub-specialties and super–specialties.
→ Outdoor, indoor and emergency services are available round the clock.
→ Emergency Medical Care: Facility from casualty to the intensive care is available for diagnosis and management of medical emergencies. The physician and his/her team are the first to attend to such patients.
→ Routine Medical Care: Beside routine examination and diagnosis of diseases followed by investigation and treatment, all types of fever and infections, are also managed by the department. Specialized tests, use of rapid bacterial culture and sensitivity techniques, PCR and other investigation modalities provide the best quality support for these.